Case Studies

Advisor Success Stories: Tim Gomez Makes Real Gains for Real Estate Client

Tim Gomez is a Partner and Advisor at Wealth Clarity Financial Planning, a firm based out of Lakewood, Colorado. His days are spent guiding clients (including individuals, families and business owners) through personalized financial planning, risk management, investment management, and tax planning.

Although Gomez had great success with his clients and their portfolios, he felt like something was missing from his toolset – something that could demonstrate tax savings in advance and in conjunction with the investment benefits his practice offers. 

Enter: Holistiplan. Read on to learn about how Gomez and his team took a client’s 12-year plan and made it a reality using Holistiplan’s award-winning software. 

Looking Long-term with Holistiplan

When Gomez and his team first saw a demo of Holistiplan, something clicked. 

“Throughout the course of that demo, my practice – my advisory mindset changed forever and I immediately wanted to implement this software,” Gomez explains. “I walked into the office after that summit and said, ‘I can’t wait. I’m moving forward with this on my own, and I have a client right now who I know could benefit from this software.’”

That client was a real estate agent with decades of experience and big goals for the future, but not much knowledge about diversified investing, different equity markets, or the benefits of tax planning.

His goal? A large retirement house in his home country – ready for him in 12 years or less. 

Gomez knew that to reach that goal, they’d have to combine investment strategies with tax optimization. To add to the puzzle, the client also had put away nearly $60,000 tax-deferred in the previous years – without telling his tax preparer. 

“We had this goal to continue this over the twelve year window, not only investing as much as we can, but we talked about the potential tax savings along the way as well.”

Gomez ran the client’s information through Holistiplan’s Scenario Analysis tool to see what would happen if the client had included the $60,000 on his previous tax return. Immediately, Holistiplan showed that an amended return would result in nearly $8,000 more in taxes returned. 

That simple scenario showed the client that tax planning was worth his time and could make a drastic difference in his 12-year plan. 

“I had the tools with Holistiplan to be able to show that, feel confident in it, and have a visual to support it.”

Click play on the video above to learn more about Tim Gomez’s experience in creating life-changing moments for his clients with Holistiplan, or check out our other Advisor Success Stories to explore the real-world impact of tax planning moments.

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